

主唱:Mette Lindberg

主唱:Mette Lindberg  

團體:The Asteroids Galaxy Tour


曲名:The Golden Age  完整版試聽


The Asteroids Galaxy Tour 來自丹麥(Denmark)的樂團.由Mette Lindberg(主唱)及Lars Iversen(Bass / Keyboard)為主,再加上他們的Live Band成員Miloud (小號喇叭) /Sven(薩克斯風) /Mads ( 吉它/鍵盤手) / Jesper (鼓手).The Asteroids Galaxy Tour 這個怪名字出自小號喇叭手Miloud的idea。雖然名字又臭又長又難唸.但他們的音樂卻是和名字很不一樣.有著Funk /Soul的Electro-pop.最近,The Asteroids Galaxy Tour的Around The Bend被選為Apple iPod Touch 美國地區的廣告歌.雖然廣告僅限美國播放.但iPod的廣告歌一向都是大家會去注意的焦點.因此.藉由Around The Bend這首歌,讓更多美國地區以外的歌迷可以更加認識The Asteroids Galaxy Tour這個新團.

The Asteroids Galaxy Tour 的主要團員Lars & Mette以前就在同一個樂團.樂團停止表演後.大家各自做自己的音樂,但還是朋友.一直到有一天,當Lars 再度遇到Mette.2人決定開始一起做 音樂.去年整個夏天.他們都窩在Lars家的小錄音室寫歌.後來被Robbie Williams /Roxy Music的經紀人發掘.簽下了他們(但當時他們還沒有唱片約).經紀公司幫Asteroids Galaxy Tour安排的第一場表演就是Support Amy Winehouse在Asteroids Galaxy Tour家鄉丹麥哥本哈根(Copenhagen)最大的一場巡迴演唱會.也由於這次的登台表演.很快的,.Asteroids Galaxy Tour就得到了一紙唱片合約.

文章引用於:花果山的Gau - 無名音樂誌 All About Music

I wished I lived in the golden age
Giving it up on the Broadway stage
Hang with the rats and smoke cigars
Have a break with Frank and count the stars

Dressed to the nines, with hair to match
Shiny jewels, casino cash
Tapping feet, wanna take the lead
A trip back in time is all I need

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey
Sing it out loud get away with me
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey
Sing it out loud and let yourself free


I'm on my way, gonna make it big
Gonna make these songs for the chicks to dig
It's really hot and a little bit sour
We're getting your strength to maximum power

Flying away from reality
Whatever-ever happened to gravity?
I see it clear, a shooting star
And I'm really gonna sing it like da-da-da

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey
Sing it out loud get away with me
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey
Sing it out loud and let yourself free


Sing it out loud gonna get back honey
Sing it out loud get away with me
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey

Sing it out loud and let yourself free


Ohhh silver screen on a rainy day
Sally Bowles in Cabaret
Shaking sticks, oh what a show
Fresh and jolly, from tip to toe

Rambling down the boulevard
With a fire burning in a wooden heart
My mind is set, I won't be lying
But I never really thought it would feel this fine

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey
Sing it out loud get away with me
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey
Sing it out loud and let yourself free

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey
Sing it out loud get away with me
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey
Sing it out loud and let yourself free!

Hey! Hey!



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